Our Fishing Lake
Wensum View Cottage has access to three areas of fishing at Mill Lodge Fishery here on the farm. The first is the main lake/conservation area excavated in 2016 and set up as bespoke Crucian and Tench fishery as part of the National Crucian Conservation Project. After numerous hurdles encountered during the planning stages and through excavations including uncovering a Nationally significant Anglo Saxon Burial site from around 750 AD the lake was finally completed and opened in the May of 2017.
The fishery has been created and designed to suit a traditional float style approach for the anglers who are looking to catch A grade Crucian and hard fighting Tench under the rod tip. Now in its third season the lake has been highly successful with the Crucian already achieving weights of up to 1lb 9 oz and breeding so successfully that we net every Winter to thin out to remove the smaller fish for donations and some sales to other waters to continue the reintroduction of Crucian which were sadly in massive decline to other suitable local waters and to continue the conservation project here in Norfolk. The Tench are now attaining weights to just under 5lb and are
breeding equally as well. By thinning out both species each winter this frees up space for the continued growth and health of both. Water quality and the health of the fish is of massive importance to Gary here at the fishery.
The lake also has beautiful wildflower meadows and a diverse wildlife which have all been part of the overall conservation project and biodiversity gain. Terms and conditions will apply to using the main lake and rules are supplied on booking. For anglers looking to fish who are not staying at the cottage there is a yearly membership of 20 anglers at £100 which is currently full and we now have a waiting list. Day tickets can be purchased at £10 per day by appointment only via our Facebook page or telephone. During the colder months £5 per morning or
afternoon / evening tickets are available.

The second is a private stretch of the SSSI River Wensum which sadly like a lot of our waterways has suffered massively in recent years from predation, siltation, abstraction, pollution and lack of overall government agency management. Once prolific Wild Brown Trout, Roach, Eel, Dace and Gudgeon populations have been decimated here on the Upper Wensum but we do get some specimen Chub to 6lb frequent the stretch and if around are well worth trying for. Sadly we are also noticing a big decline in other species including smaller fish eating birds and our once prolific Water Vole.

The third is the smaller breeding pond with a prolific number of Roach to just over 1lb, smaller Crucian, the odd smaller Tench and Pike. This water is solely for holiday guests use only.

Read our fishing rules here